PicoWay Pigment Removal

Pigment can be the most difficult and frustrating skin issue to treat. Luckily, at Storwick Dermatology, we offer PicoWay pigment removal for benign pigmented lesion. Laser light is targeted at unwanted pigment in picosecond pulses. Picosecond technology has ultra-short pulse durations, 100 times shorter than Q-switch lasers (older technology), and in the trillionths of a second. These bursts of energy create a photo-acoustic impact which breaks up the pigmentation into smaller, more easily absorbed particles. ​For more information please click here.

What kind of pigment can be treated with the PicoWay:

  1. Lentigos
  2. Freckles
  3. Nevus of Ota
  4. Cafe-au-Lait

Starting from $600

Contact our professional medical team at Storwick Dermatology to schedule a consultation appointment today at  403-286-0086. For more cosmetic services click here.